About Us

Balkan Medicament

At Balkan Medicament, we're dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare supply chains. With a commitment to excellence, we provide a comprehensive range of pharmaceuticals, surgical equipment, and medical supplies. Our mission is to ensure access to top-quality healthcare products, enhancing patient outcomes worldwide.

Our Mission

Our mission at Balkan Medicament is to be a trusted partner in healthcare, providing reliable access to top-quality pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. We aim to streamline supply chains and empower healthcare professionals to deliver exceptional patient care.

Our Vission

Balkan Medicament envisions a future where every individual has access to the highest standard of healthcare products. We strive to innovate and collaborate to create efficient, sustainable supply solutions that improve healthcare outcomes globally.


Life-Saving Drugs

Balkan Medicament specializes in sourcing and distributing a comprehensive range of life-saving drugs, ensuring timely access to critical medications for improved patient outcomes and enhanced healthcare delivery.


Healing Medicines

Our catalog includes a diverse selection of healing medicines, meticulously curated to address various health concerns and promote wellness. From chronic conditions to acute ailments, we provide effective solutions for optimal healing and recovery.


Surgical Equipment

We offer state-of-the-art surgical equipment designed to meet the demands of modern medical practices. From precision instruments to advanced technology, our products enable healthcare professionals to perform intricate procedures with confidence, leading to better patient care and surgical outcomes.

Know About

Why Balkan Medicament?

Balkan Medicament stands out as the premier choice for healthcare professionals seeking excellence in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. With a dedication to quality, reliability, and innovation, we streamline procurement processes and empower healthcare facilities to deliver exceptional patient care.

  • Comprehensive Product Range: Top-quality pharmaceuticals and supplies.
  • Reliable Service: Prompt responses and efficient delivery.
  • Innovation: Introducing cutting-edge products.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Personalized service and support.
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Our Team

A Professional & Customer Care


Mr. Sohail Khan


Mr. Shahil Khan

Co Founder

Mrs Maya Kumari

Customer Executive
We are available 24/7

We Always Ready For A Challenge.


Satisfied Clients

Our satisfied clients attest to Balkan Medicament's commitment to excellence and reliability in providing top-notch pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.


World Awards

Balkan Medicament is honored to be recognized with prestigious world awards for our commitment to excellence in healthcare supply solutions.


Celebrating Our Journey

As the founder of Balkan Medicament, I am immensely proud to witness our journey towards transforming healthcare supply chains. Our dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction drives every aspect of our operations, ensuring that we continue to exceed expectations and make a meaningful impact in the medical industry.

Mr. Sohail Khan

Founder, Balkan